
Saturday 17 March 2012

After Being Broken

The atom is the final unit of matter, just as the 
individual is the final unit of society. If one 
succeeds in breaking an atom one does not destroy 
it; rather one converts it into a greater force, known 
as atomic energy. Matter is energy in a solid form 
and energy matter in a dispersed form. When the 
atoms of matter are broken and converted into 
atomic energy, they are transformed into a force 
much more potent than in their material form.  
A locomotive consumes two tons of coal in seventy 
miles; a motorcar uses up a gallon of petrol every 
twenty to forty miles. But when uranium weighting 
just twelve pounds is converted into atomic energy, 
it is able to convey a high-speed rocket on a 40,000-
mile journey into space. That’s how great the 
difference is between ordinary material energy and 
atomic energy.  
So it is with that unit of society known as man. 
When man is ‘broken,’ his horizons expand vastly. 
Just as breakage does not destroy matter, so defeat 
does not ruin man. Matter increases in strength

when broken up. So man, when defeated, gains 
new, increased strength.  
When man is beset by defeat, his inner forces are 
released. His senses are aroused. His concealed 
strength comes to the fore and he sets about 
redressing his setback. Spurred on with new resolve 
and determination, he devotes himself to the task of 
regaining what has been lost. An irresistible spirit 
arises within him. Nothing can arrest his advance. 
Like a river flowing to the sea, he surmounts every 
obstacle in relentless pursuit of his goal.  
The occurrence of an atomic explosion in matter 
turns it into a vastly more powerful substance. The 
human personality, too, contains huge, latent 
potential. This potential bursts out into the open 
when there is an eruption within one’s soul. It 
breaks free when some shattering disaster afflicts 
one. The strings that have held one down are torn 
apart and begin to vibrate to the tune of life.

                                                                Ref - The Moral Vision
                                                                                                       - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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