
Friday 23 March 2012

Perseverance Pays

Wakening up in the morning to the noisy 
chirruping of the birds, the man noticed a broken 
egg lying on the ground. It had obviously fallen 
from a nest built by sparrows just under the ceiling 
of his modest dwelling. Wearily he removed the 
broken egg, then, noting with disgust the straws 
which were eternally littering his floor, he stood up 
on a piece of furniture, and swiped the nest out of 
its niche. Then he spent quite some time and effort 
cleaning up the whole place.  
The very next day, he found more straws dirtying 
his newly cleaned floor and, looking up, he saw that 
the birds were again building their nest under his 
roof. He felt he was going mad with their 
chirruping and the perpetual mess they made, so he 
destroyed the new nest before it was even half completed. 
That way he thought he could drive 
them away forever.  
But the tragedy of the devastated nest only spurred 
the birds on to greater efforts, and showing great 
daring, they worked faster then ever. They did not

waste a single moment on lamenting their loss. Nor 
did they go away to collect a whole flock of birds to 
come and make a united attack on the house owner. 
They simply flew to and from the home, quietly and 
incessantly picking up fresh straws and fixing them 
in position. They did not waste a single moment.  
This self-same story was repeated from day to day 
for over a month. The house owner would angrily 
destroy their home and moments later the sparrows 
would reappear with straws in their beaks to begin 
their labour all over again. Their efforts seemed 
fruitless. Their incessant gathering of straws was 
apparently futile. But regardless of consequences, 
they went on steadily with their work. It was the 
birds’ answer to the unmitigated hatred of the man. 
Yet although he was the stronger, they always 
seemed somehow to foil him. And, finally their 
silent endeavours gained the upper hand. The man 
realized that his resistance was futile and he 
stopped destroying the nests. Now they have 
completed their nest and have successfully laid and 
hatched their eggs. Their chirruping no longer 
incenses the man. He has simply ceased to mind 
them, for they have taught him a priceless lesson  -

never hate your enemy. In all circumstances, 
persevere steadfastly in constructive activities. In 
the end you will emerge victorious.

                                                                Ref - The Moral Vision
                                                                                                       - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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