
Sunday 22 April 2012

Patience is the Secret of Success

One element of positive status-quoism is the “wait 
and see” policy. This means that whatever man is 
easily able to do at the present time should be done, 
while whatever he feels presents too many 
difficulties should be postponed until the situation 
seems more favourable. 
It often happens that whenever one is faced with 
difficult situations or one undergoes some bitter 
experience, out of sheer exasperation, one resorts to 
violence. But this kind of reaction is a result of 
deviation from nature. The truth is that the law of 
nature always favours those who adopt a realistic 
path. If such individuals or groups who stand by 
truth and justice do not act in an over-hasty manner 
and remain patient, such favourable conditions are 
ultimately produced for them that success will 
come to them on its own. 
In the most cases, failure awaits those who are so 
impatient that they act emotionally, without giving 
much thought to the repercussions. On the contrary,

those who opt for the way of patience are destined 
to be successful.  
When an individual adopts the path of patience, he 
is following the path of nature. And when he 
adopts the path of impatience, he deviates from the 
path of nature. And one who strays from the path of 
nature has no prospects of success in this world of 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Violence Unnecessary

Social violence is against real human nature. 
Violence, the greatest of all crimes, is lethal to 
humanity. In spite of this, why do people engage in 
violence? The reason is that they take into account 

only present conditions, and lack the ability to see 
future prospects. Then such people find self-styled 
justifications for engaging in violence. Their version 
of justification appears to them to be based on 
logical argument, but in actual fact their arguments 
are fallacious. In defiance of all rational opinion, 
they adhere to the notion that, in their own case, for 
such and such reason, engaging in violence has 
become morally justified.  
But the truth is that any so-called justification for 
violence is invalid. Whenever an individual or a  
group engages in violence, they have at one and 
the same time the option of a non-violent or 
peaceful method. This being so, why should 
violence be resorted to at all? When the 
opportunity to achieve one’s objective is available 
without having recourse to violence, why should 
everyone opt for violent methods? The truth is 
that violence must be in principle discarded 
absolutely and peace must be adopted absolutely. 
Therefore, man ought not to engage in violence on 
any pretext. He must adhere to a peaceful course 
of action in all situations.

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Violence is the Result of Frustration

One advantage of positive status quoism is that it 
obviates the baneful effects of frustration that come 
from a sense of deprivation. Bright prospects are 
discernible in all situations, however unfavourable 
those situations might appear. The miraculous 
benefit of positive status quoism is that it gives 
human beings unlimited courage. It saves them in 
all situations from becoming so discouraged that all 
doors appear closed, and they fail to identify any 
viable course of action. 
Violence results from a feeling of deprivation, while 
peace results from a sense of discovery. Those who 
have the notion that they have been deprived of 
what is rightfully theirs suffer perennially from 
negative psychology. It is this negativism that 
frequently takes the form of violence. But those who 
live with the positive feeling that they have 

experienced the feeling of discovery enjoy mental 
peace. Their lives remain eternally peaceful. 
Those individuals or groups who feel hatred for 
others, and who stoop to violence in their dealings 
with them, prove by their behaviour that their 
grievances derive from a sense of deprivation. On 
the contrary, those individuals or groups who lead 
peaceful lives prove by their behaviour that they 
have experienced the feeling of finding what they 
truly desire in life. The mind of a frustrated person 
is always obsessed with the prevalent state of 
affairs. While a person whose mind is free from the 
psychology of frustration will be capable of 
thinking by rising above the immediate 
circumstances. Thus a frustrated person is a 
present–oriented person while a person free from 
frustration is a future oriented person. 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

The Solution to the Problem of Enmity

People generally hold that so and so community or 
nation is their enemy. Then, for most people, 
enmity becomes both the cause of and justification 
for taking to a course of violence. They take up an 
aggressive stance, openly or covertly, ostensibly to 
put an end to the enmity. But this is as 
misconceived a plan of action as any could be 
which has been devised on the supposition that war 
can be any kind of solution.  

They fail to realize that the best solution to the 
problem of enmity lies in the way of positive status 
quoism, which facilitates dealing peacefully with 
the enemy. This is possible because positive status 
quoism is a psychological condition which enables 
us to deal with the enemy in such a cool-minded 
way that all animus will of itself disappear once and 
for all.  
It is imperative that we regard enemies as 
superficial rather than as integral parts of our 
existence, and we should recognize that the hostility 
of any foe can be brought to an end by positive 
strategy. The enemy can be likened to the dust 
sticking to glass. Such dust can easily be washed off 
with water. The real problem will arise only when 
we have no water (i.e. a positive strategy) to wash 
off the dust. 
It takes two hands to clap. One hand on its own 
cannot clap. Similarly, enmity is a two-sided matter. 
If someone turns your enemy, you should not 
respond to this with hostility. Not returning enmity 
for enmity is the most successful solution to the 
problem. Adopting positive behaviour towards the

enemy can yield such beneficial results that your 
former enemy could one day turn out to be your 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

The Benefits of Peace

It is a fact that all worthy feats in this world have 
been performed by peaceful endeavour. No great or 
noble task has ever been carried out by the power of 
violence. This applies equally to scientific

discoveries and technological progress. Neither 
educational institutions nor research institutes have 
ever been established by violent means. Iron’s 
conversion into machines and major city planning 
have all been done by the power of peace, not of 
violence. Right from ensuring social welfare to the 
setting up of the relevant infrastructure—all 
progressive measures have been carried into effect 
by peaceful strategies. 
Violence per se is destructive and no constructive 
result can ever come from a destructive act. This is 
the law of nature and as such is immutable.  

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

The Way of Non-Violence

One of the laws of nature is that non-violence is 
result-oriented, while violence is destruction-
oriented. Therefore, if the individual confines his 
activities to the field of gentleness and non-violence, 
his work will yield results, whereas one who opts 
for the way of violence and intolerance regresses 
instead of advancing. 

The truth is that whenever anyone opts for the way 
of intolerance and violence, his energies are 
unnecessarily divided between two fronts—internal 
construction and doing battle with the external foe, 
whereas one who opts for gentleness and non-
violence can devote all his available energy and 
resources to the one front of internal consolidation 
alone, and as a natural result, he can achieve a far 
greater success. 
This is the law of nature which is operative in our 
world. Here if one is to achieve any estimable goal, 
it will only be by adhering to this system of nature 
which is entirely based on the principle of peace 
and non-violence. Therefore, here one can be 
successful by adhering to, and not by deviating 
from this law. Non-violent activism can in fact, be 
equated with positive status quoism. 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Anger is a Weakness

Anger is the killer of peace. Anger often results in 
violence. Giving vent to anger is a sign of weakness, 
whereas the mastering of anger is a sign of power.

Anger, moreover, confounds one’s thinking 
capacity. The angry man can neither understand 
any issue in a clear-headed way, nor can he give a 
response which is adequate to the situation. What is 
worse is that when an individual is angry, he is all 
too prone to turn to violence. But the truth is that 
violence is no solution to any problem. For one who 
can prevent himself from succumbing to anger, 
there is no situation which he will not be able to 
turn to good account. He will seek a peaceful 
solution—the only sure way to solve any problem. 
Man’s mind has extraordinary potential. When he is 
not angry, he is in a position to utilize his 
capabilities to the best advantage. But when he is 
angry, his mental balance is lost. He is not in a 
position to make the full use of such mental 
capabilities as would be to his own benefit. In short, 
not becoming angry is victory, while becoming 
angry is defeat. 
It should be borne in mind also, that overcoming 
anger is not simply a matter of suppressing one’s 
emotions. It means being able to deal with the 
problem by rising above the negativism of anger.

One should be able to respond, uninfluenced by 
emotion in spite of being provoked. This principle 
applies not only to the individual but also to entire 
nations. Positive status quoism is undoubtedly the 
surest way to success, but only those can adopt this 
method who have the ability to think independently 
of the psychology of anger. 
The principle of positive status quoism can be 
adopted only by those who have the mental 
discipline not to resort to violence, despite facing 
unpleasant situations. Those who cannot curb 
violent tendencies will never be able to experience 
the benefits of positive status quoism. 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Aspects of Positive Thinking

Positive status quoism is undoubtedly the most 
successful strategy for the construction of a peaceful 
life. The essential condition for the utilization of this 
strategy, however, is for man to develop the kind of 
positive attitude which will enable him to rise 
above his circumstances. Even in the most adverse 
situations, he should be able to weather all storms 
as do the big birds of the storm. His thinking should 
not be the result of prior conditioning. He should 
rather think out and plan his actions without any 
One of the obstacles to adopting positive status 
quoism is the tendency to give way to anger and 
vengefulness. Such an attitude so poisons man’s 
mind that he is no longer able to think objectively. It 
is this lack of objectivity which is the main reason 
for failing to adopt a positive stance.

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

A De-linking Policy

Positive status quoism can also be defined as a de-
linking policy, which entails finding ways of 
peaceful action despite the existence of 
controversies. This means that irrespective of there 
being a confrontational state of affairs or other 
adverse circumstances. Such strategies should be 
adopted as may prevent war being waged and 
violence taking place. Controversial issues must be 
set aside so that present opportunities may be 
availed of in an atmosphere of peace. In following 
this policy, two gains simultaneously accrue: one, 
the establishment of peace, notwithstanding the 
pernicious atmosphere created by controversies; 
and, two, the optimization of work opportunities, 
despite the presence of problems. One great benefit 
of this de-linking policy—in that it is the most 
felicitous natural formula for the establishment of 
peace—is that conducive circumstances for result
oriented actions are no longer a matter of the past, 
but become an actuality today. 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Flowers & Their Thorns

In our world there are flowers, but there are also 
thorns. It is therefore a common experience for 
one who wants to engage in any positive activity 
to feel that there are obstacles in his way, perhaps 
by the very law of nature. This applies to the 
individual as well as to the entire nation. Now 
one way of addressing such a situation is for him 
to set about removing all obstacles from the path 
and only then beginning to work towards his 
goal. This method is generally defined as 
Radicalism greatly appeals to extremists or to 
those who are guided by their emotions. But it is 
impractical in so far as achieving any positive 
goal is concerned. While radicalism may be 
effectively used for the purposes of destruction, it 
is worse than useless when it comes to 
construction. Once the path of radicalism has 
been chosen, not only does the prevalent system

fall apart, but in the process of what are 
essentially ruinous activities, all those social 
traditions which had taken centuries to build, 
simply fall to pieces. Then as a result of 
bloodshed and violent confrontation, 
innumerable people fall victim to all kinds of 
afflictions. While experience shows that the 
method of radicalism is ideologically very 
attractive, in terms of its practical outcome, it is 
devoid of all merit. 
Another method is that of avoiding confrontation 
with the status quo and chalking out a plan for 
possible action within possible spheres. By 
temporarily accepting the status quo, current 
opportunities may then be availed of. This is the 
positive status quoism to which I referred at the 
beginning of this chapter. 
The method of radicalism invariably produces 
violence: on the contrary, positive status quoism 
fulfills its target by keeping the peace in society. 
While the former invariably aggravates the 
problem, the latter, by avoiding friction, proceeds 
smoothly, without creating any problems. If one is

the way to perversion, the other is the way to 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Positive Status Quoism

PEACEFUL method in one respect, is another 
name for stat us quoism. The status quoism of a 
peace-loving person is not a form of inaction, it  
is rather a posit ive plan of action, in the real 
sense of the word. That is, the peace-love  
accepts the status quo to remove himself from  
the point of confrontation to other fields where 
he may proceed with constructive action. 
Instead of becoming embroiled in problems he 
looks to the fu t ure aid directs his energies  
towards the availing of opport unities. That is 
why the stat us quoism of a peace-loving person  
is indeed positive stat us quoism. 
In this world of diverse interests, positive status 
quoism is the optimal base for the conception and 
implementation of constructive projects. Taking 
up this position may call for special virtues such 
as insightfulness as well as the capacity for the 
most superior type of planning. Thus it brings 
twofold benefit. Firstly, no disturbance of the 
peace, and secondly and ultimately, the guarantee 

of success. This formula can thus be summed up: 
Avoid confrontation, adopt peaceful activism.

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Sunday 15 April 2012

Terrorism - A Barbaric Course

The evil of terrorism has come to be a present-day 
affliction. It is widely condemned, but what 
terrorism is has not yet been clearly defined. After a 
great deal of thought on this subject, I have come to 
the conclusion that terrorism is definable as armed

action carried out by non-governmental 
organizations. Certainly, the public have the right to 
peacefully present their point of view, but on no 
consideration do they have the right to engage in 
militancy, for armed movements of this sort run 
counter to accepted national and international 
principles. What is known as terrorism in present 
times is the result of armed action by NGO’S. 
Moreover, war can be waged only by an established 
government. And even for an established 
government there are a number of essential 
conditions for launching armed campaigns. For 
instance, it can only fight a defensive battle. It 
cannot commit aggression. Similarly, even a lawful 
war can be fought only after making a formal 
declaration of war. There is no room for undeclared 
war in civilized society. Then, even in a lawful 
defensive battle, a government must issue strict 
orders that only combatants may be attacked. 
Killing or injuring non-combatants is not lawful 
even in a state of war. 
According to established humanitarian principles, 
only one form of war is acceptable and that is one

waged unavoidably in self-defence. Any other kind 
of war, for instance, aggressive war, proxy war, 
guerrilla war, undeclared war–are all totally 
unlawful according to international ethics. On no 
consideration can these wars be held lawful. 
According to the above definition, any movement 
based on terrorism is certainly unlawful. It cannot 
be justified simply by giving it a high-sounding 
name. Any attempt to achieve human objectives by 
engaging in terrorism, rather than using lawful 
means to do so, is to transgress all bounds.  
Modern terrorism must, therefore, be brought to an 
end. But this cannot be done through counter 
attacks. For one thing, this would be like trying to 
quell non-state terrorism by state terrorism. And for 
another, modern terrorism derives its strength less 
from guns and bombs than from its ideology. That 
is why a counter ideology rather than counter-
bombing would the more effectively put an end to 
The terrorists’ self-styled ideology gives them the 
conviction that, by dying in battle, they become 
martyrs and that, as such, they will have a new and

far better life in paradise. It is this belief, which has 
made suicide bombing totally acceptable to them. 
Given this situation, it is only when their self-styled 
ideology is shown to be baseless by producing a 
counter ideology that their violent actions will ever 
come to an end. 
It should be appreciated, moreover, that the present 
terrorists, many of them very young people, would 
never be able to continue their efforts without the 
vast monetary contributions, public sympathy and 
adulation as heroes, which as “active militants” 
they receive from “passive” militants, that is to say, 
from those who are not actively engaged in violent 
The passive militants are, so to speak, the second 
line of terrorism. Their role is an important one, that 
of providing infrastructure and logistic support. A 
war can be successfully waged only if the supply 
lines continue to provide all military requirements 
without any disruption. If they were to be cut off, 
war would automatically come to an end, just as a 
man would die if his oxygen supply were stopped. 
But, ideologically, passive militants regard it as

their duty to give full assistance to active terrorists. 
And if such terrorists are in their thousands, the 
number of their supporters runs into millions. This 
being so, the annihilation of known active terrorists 
would not suffice to put an end to the phenomenon 
of terrorism. 
It is essential, therefore, that the issue of the 
enormous support given by the world-wide 
network of passive terrorists be immediately 
addressed. Their minds must be changed. Their 
violent thinking must be transformed into pacifism. 
Only then will it be possible to rid the world of the 
menace of terrorism.

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

Formula For Social Peace

Peace is nature. In any society, peace is disturbed 
only when any violent activity causes man to 
deviate from his nature. The truth is that every one 
of us has his ego. It is a state of mind which, if 
provoked, takes no time in flaring up and wreaking 
havoc. But by nature, in accordance with the system 
of creation, it generally lies dormant. The easiest 
way, therefore, to have a peaceful society is to let 
this ego remain undisturbed. Social peace is 
disturbed by those whose egos have been 
provoked. If we refrain from such provocation, 
there will be no disturbance of the social peace. This

shows that the establishment and maintenance of 
social peace are within our control, and are not at 
the mercy of anti-social elements. This shows that if 
you do not provoke the ego of others, you will 
certainly remain safe from their violence. 
The possession of weapons is no guarantee of social 
security. The principle of social security is to 
become a peace-loving neighbour for others. 
Perpetrate no violence upon others and you will, of 
necessity, be safe from the evil and violence of 
others. If you hate others you will receive hate from 
them in return. If you have feelings of love and 
well-wishing for them, you will receive the same 
from them. In this world, peace is received in return 
for peace and violence is received in return for 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

From Revenge to Violence

It often happens that if one person is hurt by 
another, or one group suffers at the hands of 
another, revenge is perceived as the immediate 
goal. Those who are bent on revenge tend to forget 
the warning of history—a warning inscribed on 
every wall in silent language: Think before seeking 
vengeance, that vengeance will be met with 
vengeance. In this way a chain of violence is built 
up, continues, and is brought to a conclusion only 
when both sides are so depleted in energy and 
resources that they are no longer able to exact 

Whenever an individual or a group has any cause 
for complaint, the solution lies not in retaliatory 
activities, but rather in continuing to move forward 
by adopting a policy of avoidance of conflict. Such 
avoidance puts an end to the problem at the very 
outset, while refusal to ignore the problem leads to 
an unending chain reaction of hatred, revenge and 
violence. Thus, the policy of avoidance of conflict is 
the way of the peace-loving, while that of revenge is 
the way of the violent. 
Revenge is always directed against another but, in 
actual fact, the greatest victim is the one who opts 
for this course. The heavy price to be paid for this 
revenge policy is that his mind becomes a 
storehouse of negative thinking. Instead of 
expending his resources on building his life, he 
begins to squander them on the destruction of 
Say, an antagonist had caused him to use up fifty 
percent of his energies, resources, etc., he would 
himself, as a result of his policy of revenge, fritter 
away the other 50%.  

Taken to logical extremes, revenge would imply 
that after an attempt on one’s life, one would launch 
out on a course which would end in one’s own 
death! The truth is that revenge is an evil, whatever 
the circumstances, while refraining from revenge by 
ignoring the matter at issue is at all events a virtue. 
If the taker of revenge is your enemy, after 
returning revenge for revenge, you become your 
own enemy. And those who turn their own enemy 
cannot be saved from destruction by anyone.

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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