
Sunday 1 April 2012

How to Lead, Even in Defeat

In 1827 A.D., the Mediterranean island of Sicily 
became part of the growing Islamic empire. For 
nearly three hundred years it remained under 
Islamic rule. Then, in 1090, it was reconquered by 
the Normans.  
The founder of the Norman kingdom of Sicily was 
Roger II (1095-1154). In 1110 he succeeded his 
brother as count of Sicily and in 1130 was crowned 
king. Although he belonged to a nation of 
conquerors, and it was the Muslims whom he had 
defeated, he still retained a high respect for Arabs 
and Islam. His coronation mantle was designed by 
a Muslim artist, and had Arabic inscriptions woven 
into it. After his coronation, he decided that he 
would like to have a chart showing the full extent of 
the Norman empire. He chose a Muslim 
cartographer, Al-Idrisi, to design this chart, for he 
was the greatest expert in the field. Al-Idrisi then 
went on to prepare an atlas for the king, consisting 
of seventy maps and extensive geographical data. 
Originally written in Arabic, the first European 
edition of this atlas was published in 1619.  

The selection of Al-Idrisi for the mammoth task of 
preparing maps of the whole of the known world 
shows, as the historian. J.H. Kramers has pointed 
out, that at that time the intellectual and academic 
superiority of Muslims was accepted by one and all. 
Roger II certainly appreciated the worth of Muslim 
scholars: he encouraged and sponsored them in 
their work and—in the words of one historian—
“made Sicily a major meeting place for Christian 
and Arab scholars.”  
Though defeated on the field of battle, Muslims 
continued their intellectual and academic 
dominance, even in the court of their conqueror. 
This was because at that time Muslims were far and 
wide the most advanced race in almost every field 
of knowledge. The legacy of Islam lives in European 
languages, which retain many words of Arabic 
Muslims today complain of their political, economic 
and military subjection to non-Muslim nations. 
They think that they can take back, by protest and 
militancy, what has been seized from them. But the 
case of Roger II of Sicily—his respect for Muslim

scholars and their continued intellectual 
domination even after military defeat—shows that 
the solution to the problems of the Muslims in the 
modern age lies in their cultivating technological 
capability, and establishing dominance in the field 
of modern scientific knowledge. This can be 
achieved—not by protests and militant 
“fundamentalism”, but by earnest academic 
endeavour alone; it can be acquired by seeking to 
give to the world, rather than just take from it.

                                                                      Ref - The Moral Vision
                                                                                  - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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