
Sunday 22 April 2012

The Way of Non-Violence

One of the laws of nature is that non-violence is 
result-oriented, while violence is destruction-
oriented. Therefore, if the individual confines his 
activities to the field of gentleness and non-violence, 
his work will yield results, whereas one who opts 
for the way of violence and intolerance regresses 
instead of advancing. 

The truth is that whenever anyone opts for the way 
of intolerance and violence, his energies are 
unnecessarily divided between two fronts—internal 
construction and doing battle with the external foe, 
whereas one who opts for gentleness and non-
violence can devote all his available energy and 
resources to the one front of internal consolidation 
alone, and as a natural result, he can achieve a far 
greater success. 
This is the law of nature which is operative in our 
world. Here if one is to achieve any estimable goal, 
it will only be by adhering to this system of nature 
which is entirely based on the principle of peace 
and non-violence. Therefore, here one can be 
successful by adhering to, and not by deviating 
from this law. Non-violent activism can in fact, be 
equated with positive status quoism. 

Ref -The Ideology of Peace  
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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