Social violence is against real human nature.
Violence, the greatest of all crimes, is lethal to
humanity. In spite of this, why do people engage in
violence? The reason is that they take into account
only present conditions, and lack the ability to see
future prospects. Then such people find self-styled
justifications for engaging in violence. Their version
of justification appears to them to be based on
logical argument, but in actual fact their arguments
are fallacious. In defiance of all rational opinion,
they adhere to the notion that, in their own case, for
such and such reason, engaging in violence has
become morally justified.
But the truth is that any so-called justification for
violence is invalid. Whenever an individual or a
group engages in violence, they have at one and
the same time the option of a non-violent or
peaceful method. This being so, why should
violence be resorted to at all? When the
opportunity to achieve one’s objective is available
without having recourse to violence, why should
everyone opt for violent methods? The truth is
that violence must be in principle discarded
absolutely and peace must be adopted absolutely.
Therefore, man ought not to engage in violence on
any pretext. He must adhere to a peaceful course
of action in all situations.
Ref -The Ideology of Peace
- by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan