
Sunday 8 April 2012

Man’s Quest

Much as we long for a perfect world, we are 
compelled to live in an imperfect one. Our 
happiness is always short-lived and our every 
success is, in some way, eventually a failure. The 
aspirations that we cherish in the early days of our 
lives are shattered as we begin to age. Just as we 
begin to take root on earth, disaster, old age and 
death overtake us. 
How enchanting the flowers are, but they blossom 
only to wither. How delicate the sun’s radiance, but 
it shines for only a short while before being covered 
in darkness. Miraculous though man’s existence is, 
no miracle can save him from death. Everything in 
this world shall perish. Although this world is 
inexpressibly beautiful and meaningful, all its 
virtues are bound to fade. All mundane things have 
a dark side to them. How, one may ask, could a 
God who is Himself perfect, be satisfied with the 
creation of an intrinsically imperfect world? The 
absolute cannot abide in the non-absolute. This 
world must be inconclusive. Another world must

follow to compensate for the inadequacies of the 
present one. 
There is no doubt about the transitory nature of this 
world. It came into existence at a specific time some 
twenty million years ago. Its Creator must have 
existed eternally, for only an infinite Creator could 
have fashioned a finite world. If God had not 
always existed, then this transitory world could 
never have come into being. The very existence of 
an ephemeral universe shows that there must be an 
eternal Creator. If the Creator had not existed 
eternally, He could never have existed at all and, if 
there had been no Creator, there would have been 
no creation either. 
If we assert that the world was created on a certain 
date, then this means that there must have been a 
Creator before that date. If we go on to assert that 
this Creator was Himself created on some previous 
date, however, then our claim can have no meaning. 
The Creator cannot himself have been created; He 
always was. In His infiniteness He has created a 
finite world. His existence, and that of all mortal 
creatures, is dependent upon His immortality.

Since God is immortal, He must also be absolute, 
for absoluteness is the greatest attribute of 
immortality. The one cannot be found without the 
This world is a manifestation of God’s attributes, 
but its shortcomings and limitations show the 
manifestation to be incomplete. A complete 
manifestation of a perfect and infinite God would 
itself be perfect and infinite. Another world must be 
awaiting us. This incomplete manifestation of God’s 
attributes requires a sequel for its fulfillment. 
Paradise is that eternal world of God in which His 
attributes will appear in all their perfection. It will 
be free of all the defects we experience in the world 
about us. Paradise is evidence of God’s absolute 
power to make beauty perpetual and joy boundless 
in a world of everlasting peace and contentment. 
Everyone is seeking some unseen fulfillment. 
Everyone seeks a perfect world, but this has always 
eluded man. Yet it is quite natural that he should 
continue to strive, for the universe in which he lives 
testifies to the existence of one, infinite God. The 
emergence of a world of infinite blessings is just as

likely as the existence of the present transitional 
world. How can an inherently infinite Creator be 
satisfied with a finite manifestation of His 
attributes? God, Who created all things from 
nought, can surely endow creation with perpetuity. 
This second creation is no more difficult than the 
Immortality is God’s unique quality, in which He 
has no partner. Immortality signifies the highest 
possible perfection which only God can attain. No 
one can today imagine the wonderful nature of that 
paradise which is a manifestation of God’s 
immortality: that beauty which will never fade; that 
joy which will never end; that life, the continuity of 
which will never be interrupted; that world where 
all our hopes and desires will be fulfilled. No one 
will wish to part for even a moment from this 
wondrously delightful paradise, no matter how 
many millions of years have passed. 
Man is always searching for a world of everlasting 
content. This quest is quite correct and in 
accordance with human nature; but our dreams 
cannot come true in this world, for here, there

cannot be an eternally perfect order. The resources 
needed for such a world are lacking. The Prophet 
taught that God has made this world one of trial 
and tribulation, not one of reward and retribution. 
The world is full of things which put man to the 
test, whereas the factors required for a life of 
everlasting delight and repose will be forthcoming 
only in the next world. Death divides these two 
worlds. Death marks the completion of the trial of 
man and his entrance into the world of eternity. 
If one wishes one’s dreams to come true, one should 
not try to construct a heaven on earth. One should 
rather try to succeed in the trial of life, accepting the 
role of God’s true servant, adopting the life pattern 
of the Prophet and restricting one’s freedom to the 
limits which God has laid down. The dreams of 
those who succeed in the trial of life will be fulfilled 
in the next world. Those who fail will find nothing 
but woe awaiting them there. 

Ref - The Way to Find God
                          - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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