
Saturday 14 April 2012

The Afterworld

The question arises at this juncture as to the actual 
existence of this afterworld to which he is destined. 
In what way can it be apprehended? In what way 
can it be made intelligible to us? 
Take sound, for instance. Everyone knows that 
sound is the name of waves which cannot be seen 
with the naked eye, and in the case of human 
utterance, resulting from the motion of our tongues 
and larynxes. It then forms a kind of invisible 
pattern in the air. Whenever anybody speaks, his 
voice is so indelibly imprinted on the atmosphere 
that, according to scientific theory, any sound 
uttered by a human-being even thousands of years 
ago, still exists in wave-form, though we do not 
hear or see these waves. If, however, we possessed 
the apparatus to detect them, they could be 
replayed exactly, in their original form, and many 
would be the historic discussion upon which we 
could then eavesdrop. 
Just as we are enveloped by a blanket of air on 
which, every word of ours is engraved, even though

we see neither the air nor the inscription, so the 
other world is also enveloping us on all four sides 
and constantly recording our intentions and 
designs. Our actions are being imprinted upon its 
fold, and after death, they will be there for all to 
read. Imagine a record revolving mutely on its 
turntable. As soon as the needle falls into its groove, 
the silent disc bursts into music as if it had just been 
waiting to express the sounds recorded on it. In the 
same way a record of all our deeds is being 
prepared, and when the Lord of the Universe utters 
the word of command, the whole record will be 
played back to us. On hearing it people will 
involuntarily say, “What sort of a book is this which 
has omitted neither the smallest nor the gravest of 
matters?” (The Quran) 

Ref - Man Know Thyself 
                                                    - by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 

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